1st Pick

David Pick | Nr. 69

My initial thoughts for this blog were to digest the return of Giannis Sfairopoulos to the Euroleague, signing with Red Star Belgrade; and the rumbles of Dusko Ivanovic’s 3rd comeback to Baskonia. I might do that in the future, but I felt more compelled to speak on the political-sports situation in Israel amid the war

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David Pick | Nr. 68

The EuroLeague has returned with a bunch of crazy storylines from humiliating blowout in Round 1 (ASVEL -21, Anadolu Efes -16, Partizan Belgrade -15) to some exciting debuts, and BIG Magazine is back to nominate some of the talented hoopers we believe can have a breakout campaign.   Antonius Cleveland (Forward, Maccabi Tel Aviv): Cleveland

David Pick | Nr. 68 Weiterlesen

David Pick | Nr. 67

Die neue EuroLeague Saison verspricht viel. | David Pick über die Stars der EuroLeague. The 2023-2024 EuroLeague season has promised to become one of the greatest and biggest yet. With a massive pool of returning NBA players, a movie star in „Bo Cruz“, and several new faces. So grab some popcorn, sit back, and buckle

David Pick | Nr. 67 Weiterlesen

David Pick | Nr. 66

Einen Blick nach Griechenland wagen. | David Pick über großes Kino im griechischen Basketball – vor allem über Panathinaikos Vorstand Giannakopoulos. If you’re looking for EuroLeague drama, look no further than Athens. Have you heard the phrase „Drama Queen“ before? Well, warm up some popcorn, grab a front row seat and get ready for the

David Pick | Nr. 66 Weiterlesen

David Pick | Nr. 65

Werden EuroCup und Champions League zusammengelegt? | David Pick über die mögliche Fusion der beiden europäischen Wettbewerbe und die Frage, wie wichtig ältere Spieler für den Erfolg sind.  The EuroLeague Final Four and BCL weekend finale are some of the most exciting times of the season. MVP’s, Defensive Player of the Year, All-1st Team awards

David Pick | Nr. 65 Weiterlesen

David Pick | Nr. 64

Sacramento wartet schon auf ihn | David Pick über Sasha Vezenkov, seinen Favorit auf den Award des diesjährigen EuroLeague-MVPs. The Sacramento Kings have been one of the coldest teams in the NBA this season. In slang language, „cold“ means good. Like REALLY good. The Kings, formerly known as the „Sacramento Queens“ per Shaquille O’Neal, have

David Pick | Nr. 64 Weiterlesen

David Pick | Nr. 63

Bis vor Kurzem noch dem Untergang geweiht | David Pick über die enttäuschende Saison seines einstigen EuroLeague-Favoriten Olimpia Mailand. How would you describe success? Is success measured by results? In a sports driven industry everyone is chasing wins. Naturally, winning and losing are what defines success. LeBron James pursues the number of rings Kobe Bryant

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David Pick | Nr. 62

Die EuroLeague wirkt ein bisschen in die Jahre gekommen | David Pick über die Prognose von Bayern Münchens Sportdirektor Daniele Baiesi, dass die Top-Klubs in ihren heimischen Ligen bald erst zu den Playoffs einsteigen werden Bayern Munich Sports Director Daniele Baiesi doesn’t grant many interviews, but when he decides to speak his mind, he tends

David Pick | Nr. 62 Weiterlesen

David Pick | Nr. 61

Warum Campazzo bis März zuschauen muss | David Pick über die Sperre der EuroLeague gegen Roter Stern Belgrad und ihre Folgen. FIBA bans, debts, unpaid commissions and sanctions have been the main topics of discussions in recent Euro-hoops media circles. The life of basketball players and agents seem sparkling and glamorous on the outside, as

David Pick | Nr. 61 Weiterlesen

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